Pastor Mike Cepela
Includes an etymology for doxa, our response to glory, Ananias/Sapphira account, true accountability, the illusion of secular job, and deception of fulfillment/the carrot on the stick. 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:1, 3:23-24; John 17:24; Revelation 21:22; 2 Corinthians 3:7-11. 24091
Pastor Mike Cepela
Pain will do what joy cannot. Includes addressing fear opening, the tempering of longing, the example of Job/Satan’s roaming, results of human striving, lack of human understanding vs. surpassing wisdom of God and A.W. Tozer quotes. Job 1:13-22; Romans 8:26-30. 24090 Pastor Mike Cepela
Includes Moses’ sense of calling, end of celebrity prophets, fixing our eyes on Jesus, specific entanglements from Satan, expanding unequally yoked, following Jesus defined, big things vs. little foxes and the rhythm of heaven. Hebrews 12:1-2; Colossians 3:1-2. 24088 Pastor Mike Cepela The pursuit of self-pleasure vs. hard sacrifice. Includes Satan giving baggage, priesthood of the believer, sacrifice of praise sweet spot, Paul’s despair of life, heavenly choir/poisoning testimony, Abraham’s example, and worship oil testimony. Mark 12:41-44; Genesis 22:10-12; Hebrews 13:14-15. 24078
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes triggers of persecution, withstanding fire/answered prayer connection, the dangers of Christian placebos, supernatural comfort from God and wounds from other Christians. 2 Timothy 3:10-12, Daniel 7:7-26; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. 24067
Pastor Mike Cepela The Resurrection of Jesus. Includes the testimony of the risen Lord, importance of anointing timing, different kinds of fear, angels as ministering spirits, dying for the true Savior, witnessing in Istanbul/Islamic Turkey testimony and truly making disciples. Matthew 28, 1 Corinthians 15:1-21. 24062
Pastor Mike Cepela To be near Jesus is to be transformed. Includes corporate/intimate worship dynamic, correlation with evangelism, the glory on the current believers, stations of glory word, naturalism/intellectualism in modern church and beholding the face of the Lord. John 17:3; John 14:21; Acts 4:13; Exodus 33:9-11; 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. 24057
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes word of God as two-edged sword over magic wand, revealing nature of persecution, proof of early Christians, the point of obedience/instinct of truth, charismatic theologian testimony, and Elijah vs. prophets of Baal. Psalm 51:6; John 3:21; John 8:31-32; John 4:23; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 2:14-15; 1 Kings 18:20-40. 24055
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus celebrates Passover and institutes the Lord’s Supper. Includes unworthy communion connection, Jesus in the Afikomen/unleavened bread, symbolism of the wine cups, prediction of Peter’s denial and the power of deception. Matthew 26:17-35; 1 Corinthians 10:11-13. 24048
Pastor Mike Cepela Men’s Meeting. Includes renewing our faith, Satan attacking trust in God, service with no faith vs. pure atheism, 100-year standard of Noah, regression of Cain, the effect of the pleasure of God, correlation with current scandals, discontent of Israel in the wilderness. Hebrews 11:1-7; 1 Timothy 6:6. 24046
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes goodness of God in trials, faith being stretched, the prosperity of the wicked, disconnecting from circumstances, false word of faith testimony, fear/punishment connection and Abraham’s sacrificing Isaac. Psalm 73:1-3, 28; Genesis 22:11-12; 1 John 4:18. 24039
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the woman at the well, life conveyed in prayer, witness as manifesting Jesus, trials unto spiritual sobriety vs spiritual drunkenness, waste of idle talk, active dying word, rich land owner parable and the issue or mortality. John 4:10-26, 1 Peter 5:8; James 4:13-17. 24037
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the divine origins and corruption of music, the active dealings of God, the warfare of the mind, defining scrutinize/winnowing of life, slow to speak correlation, the enclosure of God/declaring God’s truth an emotions/sight vs. truth. Psalms 139:1-16. 24032
Pastor Mike Cepela The need for truth in the innermost being and a call to yield compartments. Includes the Fall connection, the example of childhood, outcry recording testimony, touching not the unclean thing, and the profitability/sensuality in modern worship. Psalms 51:6-9; Matthew 12:25; Hebrews 4:13; 2 Corinthians 6:15-18. 24026
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes evangelism as a front, life as a witness, eloquence over substance in the church, true giving a defense, amputee healing testimony, preparing for intimidation, death note of Christian households and how knowledge puffs up. 24024
Pastor Mike Cepela Dishonest scales in-depth. Includes examples of false balances, discontented wife testimony, the delight of God vs. grieving the Holy Spirit, revisiting the phylacteries/modern application, a core of righteousness and the potential to regain truth. Proverbs 11:1-7. 24021
Matt Skonicki Includes David calling his descendant Lord, who Jesus is to us, how cults form/dead JW’s Bible, woe to the Pharisees and Sadducees, the burden of prayer/worship, phylacteries defined/modern version and external show vs. internal life. Matthew 22:41-46; Matthew 23:1-7; Deuteronomy 11:18. 24020
Pastor Mike Cepela Concerning the things we won’t hand over to the Lord. Includes rich, young ruler revisited, pocket idols for modern believers, the repeated challenge/invitation of Jesus, origin of ministry scandals, word concerning checking out, examples of Judas and King Saul, and comfort zone of self-trust. Exodus 20:1-5; Matthew 19:16-22; Hebrews 12:25-27. 24001
Pastor Mike Cepela Concerning the incarnation. Includes first Christmas saved testimony, betrothal explained, highlighting Joseph, word on offending senses, the names Jesus/Emmanuel explained, Herod’s paranoia, Star of Bethlehem, Christian instinct to worship, the humble nature of God and a brief look at Mary’s response. Matthew 1:18-25; Matthew 2:1-18; Luke 2:8-14; Luke 1:38. 23094
Pastor Mike Cepela How worship goes beyond music and into actual living. Includes healing in worship vision, the divided house of doubt, sustained deliverance word, worship in dark times, kissing the ring of the Son and inhibitions in worship. John 4:7-24. 23006
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes worship service/demonic deliverance vision, David’s ministering unto King Saul, the breaking of the Lord, wanting more than Jesus, life as witness, the need for restoration of the soul, shaming the name of the Lord, comfort in the Lord’s rod and staff. Psalm 23. 22019
Pastor Mike Cepela The heavenly and divine coming into the human realm and becomes visible. Includes betrothal period of the church, righteousness leading to mercy, inappropriate emphasis on dreams, Mexico angel testimony, true worship, the Bethlehem star and the authority of God. Matthew 1:18-25; 2:1-2, 11; Luke 2:6-14. 20091
Evangelist Michael Herbert Everything Jesus did was a model of love and compassion. Includes the free will of the soul, the acceptance of the Samaritan woman, prison ministry testimony, dining with tax collectors and seeking the lost sheep. Luke 15:1-7; Genesis 3:9-15. 19078
Pastor Mike Cepela Your life will be a manifestation of what you treasure and value; includes the selling of Esau’s birthright, false peace over conflict, and how this relates to temptation. Matthew 6:19-21. 19003
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January 2025