Matt Skonicki An introduction to the Gospel of Matthew. Includes Islam comparison, legal solutions vs personal transformation, sinners in the genealogy of Jesus, virgin birth of Jesus, removing secret sins and defining Messiah. Matthew 1; Luke 1:25-38. 22043
Pastor Mike Cepela Walking in authority where God has called you. Includes ministry as a cloak for ego, the example of Patriarchs, healing of the Centurions servant, God’s supply in His leading, fiery furnace example and Belmont+Broadway testimony, and doing what the Father is going. Matthew 28:16-20; John 5:19; Matthew 8:8-10; Luke 9:1-3. 22042
Pastor Mike Cepela The Day of Atonement continued. Includes faith in the Old Testament, the scapegoat in-depth, catching the prayer of Jesus, the need for blood, ministry through the blood and hidden sin before the Lord. Leviticus 16:9-34; Hebrews 7:25; Hebrews 9:11. 22041
Pastor Mike Cepela Using the allotted time given to you correctly. Includes illusions of more time vs sense of urgency, motorcycle testimony, understanding seasons, parable of the rich man, God’s rest vs. idleness and dismissing elder’s advice. Luke 12:16-31; Psalm 90:10-12; Psalm 136:16; Ephesians 15:15-17. 22040
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the example of King David, communion token revisited, parent-children rebellion connection, ark-way of escape word, the false measurement of charity/interests of men and witnessing from ego. Psalm 51:1-6; Matthew 16:20-25. 22039
Pastor Mike Cepela The law concerning bodily discharges and a start to the day of atonement. Includes knowing our uncleanness, communion example, reverence for the holy place, eternal blood translation and the Presbyterian common tradition. Leviticus 15-16:1-9; James 1:26. 22038
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Pentecost note, bewaring intimidation, prophetic vs. fortune-telling word, affirmation in the Church, the shaping Christ in the believer and the Devil’s pocket word. John 1:17; John 1:12-13; Romans 8:28; 1 Peter 2:11. 22037
Armand J. Azamar The purification of the leper and the laws concerning leprous houses. Includes the application of the two birds to modern believers, Jesus out High Priest, removing spiritual leprosy from our houses. Leviticus 14; 1 Peter 2:5-9, Hebrews 13:10-13; Isaiah 53:5. 22036
October 2024