Pastor Mike Cepela The vows of the Nazarite. Includes the examples of Samson and Paul, seasons of consecration, the hair of Samson clarified, delicacies of life/seduction, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, superseding love of God and vanity of appearance. Numbers 6; Judges 13:2-7; Acts 18:18. 24070
Pastor Mike Cepela You can’t always trust what you see. Includes echo chamber word, foundations/reactions of false perspectives, the angel the Lord/the grace of God, and the still, small voice revisited. 1 Kings 19. 24065
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus on the Cross. Includes the self-control of Jesus, Simon of Cyrene background, Jesus becoming sin, depths of sin/misunderstanding of Hell, the torn veil, the reaction of the centurion and the significance of the Resurrection. Matthew 27:27-66; John 19:9; 1 Peter 4:15-19. 24060
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Includes false impressions of Jesus, sensitivity to the pleasure of God, coming season of maturity, convection of the Holy Spirit, and Old Testament examples. Hebrews 12:7-8; 1 Corinthians 10:1-11. 24047
Matt Skonicki Includes background on Nahum/Ninevah, judgment on national levels, stolen item/desire for justice account, godly jealously defined, whirlwind/storm analogy and the goodness of God. Nahum 1:2-15, 3:19. 24035
Pastor Mike Cepela Your love for Jesus will control all other loves. Includes learning to forgive, “unconditional” love for God, the need for beholding Jesus, life exchange explained, marriage/cheating analogy and the Shema ending. Ephesians 2:8-10; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15; John 14:15. 24028
The Olivet Discourse/Eschatological Disclosure. Includes the expectation of a conquering Messiah, Diaspora of the Jews, idle end-times talk vs. emphasis of the Gospel, a display of love and foreshadow of the wise virgins. Matthew 24:1-14. 24027
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes evangelism as a front, life as a witness, eloquence over substance in the church, true giving a defense, amputee healing testimony, preparing for intimidation, death note of Christian households and how knowledge puffs up. 24024
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes a revisiting of rendering unto Caesar, a wisdom that silences, explaining the Sadducees/modern application, non-negotiable truths, believers caught up in the mortal, reciprocating God’s love and addressing Universalism. Matthew 22:17-40. 24018
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Pentecost power unto tabernacle, true ministering unto backsliders, violence from the religious, slave to self vs. bondservant of Christ, contending for the faith, baiting into conflict, license to sin in action and nature of the apostates. Jude 1:1-4, 6-12, 17-23. 24015
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus as Prince of Peace. Includes the lesson of the withered fig tree, faith as source of life, human striving vs. divine life, promise of answered prayers, false authority word, pearls before swine, the Parable of Two Sons and the hollow agreement of the second son. Matthew 21:18-32. 24010
Pastor Mike Cepela The for us to not waste our ordained time. Includes common regrets of believers, life as a vapor, anger sourced from self-will, mourning/no value word, the potential for evil days, David’s idleness and how misusage of time opens to deception. 1 Corinthians 9:24; James 4:13-14; Psalm 139:16; Ephesians 5:1-8. 24009
Matt Skonicki Concerning the healing of the blind men on the way to Jerusalem. Includes joint trials of believers, the need for mercy, the religious response of the multitude, answered needs from Jesus, coffeehouse witness testimony and the need for individual encounters. Matthew 20:29-34; Psalm 1:37; Psalm 72:12. 24005
Pastor Mike Cepela Satan looks for something in you that he can take advantage of. Includes identifying with the Father God, misuse/proper use of the name of the Lord, provision/mercy connection, deliverance from evil and clinging to object of temptation. Matthew 6:9, 11-13; James 1:13-15. 24004
Armand J. Azamar Men’s Meeting. Includes the importance and tangibleness of our thoughts/internal life, word concerning giving all to Jesus/Satan the opportunist, Screwtape Letters on demons consuming our will, self-talk to bless the Lord and new mercies in the new year. Proverbs 23:7, 1 Peter 5:8, Proverbs 4:23, Psalm 103:1, Psalm 42:11, Lamentations 3:22-23. 23092
September 2024