Pastor Mike Cepela A manifestation of glory and power will require more humility. Includes the humility of Jesus, the tendency of arrogance, the Day of Atonement, fruit of repentance, covert pride, God’s assessment of us and deliverance from self. Leviticus 23:27-32; Romans 8:15. 20060
Armand J. Azamar The brothers of Joseph return to Egypt with Benjamin. Includes the divine placement/timing of Joseph, how sinful mindset effect perception of others, the testing of the brothers, weeping in the Bible and dreams fulfilled. Genesis 43. 20059
Pastor Mike Cepela No matter who you are, you must be dedicated to your God-given purpose and vision. Includes addiction to worthless things, the layman myth, seeking the kingdom of God and the Parable of the Wedding Feast. Psalm 4:2-3; Matthew 6:33-34; Matthew 22:4-14. 20058
Pastor Mike Cepela A grief of the Holy Spirit that changes us. Includes how to get a deeper burden, a seared conscience, defining the grief of the Spirit, the secret to emotional healing and Christians as agents of change/conviction. Romans 9:1-3; John 16:7; Ephesians 4:9. 20057
Pastor Mike Cepela Joseph’s brothers go down to Egypt. What dream did God give you? Includes threats to fulfillments of dreams, numbness to future reckoning, the grace of Joseph, and how adversity launches the believer into their destiny. Genesis 42; 1 Peter 4:17; Psalm 105:16-19. 20056
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the priesthood of Christ, the intercession/grieving of the Spirit, the work of hardening the heart, Aaronic/priestly blessing, the transformative gaze of God, separation from the world and Bible knowledge vs. true sanctification. Hebrews 7:23-25; Numbers 6:22-27; Romans 8:26-27; John 17:14-20. 20055
Matt Skonicki Joseph interprets the dreams of the butler, baker and Pharaoh. Incudes a discussion on dreams, learning in unpleasant circumstances, waiting on God’s doors vs. striving, being forgotten vs. being remembered by God and a rebuke to living in the past and offense. Genesis 40 & 41. 20054
Pastor Mike Cepela Is the American Church weak or simply treasuring the wrong things? Includes truth becoming flesh, testing of our faith, abolishing pocket idols, knowing vs. speaking, emotional stirring and the current state of the church. Matthew 6:20-21; 2 Kings 17:38-41. 20053
September 2024