Armand J. Azamar
Follow-up to Israel complaining, the appointment of the 70 elders and the punishment of quail. Includes complaining in-depth, New Testament connections, how the Spirit anoints for leadership and remembering God’s chastening. Numbers 11:24-35. 24087
Pastor Mike Cepela Men’s Meeting. Includes the dissatisfied spirit in the world, bucking God’s God’s ordination, carrot on the stick analogy, reinforcing the strongman, blasphemy of the Spirit context, thief in the house account, and divided house outcome. Matthew 12:22-30. 24079
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the illusion of fence-riding, the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, ministry death threat accounts, relational roots explained, detriment of loving the world, Christian origins of popular artists, being hated for the faith and the closeness of persecution. Matthew 13:24-30; 1 John 2:15-17; Matthew 10:25. 24064
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes leaving our first love defined, traveling evangelist paradigm, false measure of emotions, selfish ambition vs. serving God, living sacrifice status, making disciples and Saul’s moment to his own greatest. Romans 12:1; Luke 17:7-10. 24051
Pastor Mike Cepela Everything you do, you think about first. Includes new mindset in Christ, self-diagnosis of trains of thoughts, mindsets effecting of others, Red Sea crossing example, divided house downfall and being a living sacrifice. Romans 8:6-8; 1 Corinthians 2:14; Proverbs 23:6; Romans 12:1-2. 24045
Pastor Mike Cepela The need for truth in the innermost being and a call to yield compartments. Includes the Fall connection, the example of childhood, outcry recording testimony, touching not the unclean thing, and the profitability/sensuality in modern worship. Psalms 51:6-9; Matthew 12:25; Hebrews 4:13; 2 Corinthians 6:15-18. 24026
Armand J. Azamar Men’s Meeting. Every relationship and encounter you have is an opportunity to love as Christ loves. Includes a contrast between the world’s love and agape love, need for forgiveness, love in correction, sacrificial structure of marriage, and a Savior from lust. John 15:9-13; Matthew 18:21-22; Ephesians 5:25-27. 24013
Pastor Mike Cepela Men’s Meeting. Includes the interconnectivity of Christians, issue of checking out, King David’s bad placement, sluggard defined, door movement metaphor, anticipation of failure, a commitment to fight, coming out of sluggishness and hobo hashmark defined. Proverbs 19:24; Proverbs 26:14-16; Proverbs 22:13. 24006
Pastor Mike Cepela Satan looks for something in you that he can take advantage of. Includes identifying with the Father God, misuse/proper use of the name of the Lord, provision/mercy connection, deliverance from evil and clinging to object of temptation. Matthew 6:9, 11-13; James 1:13-15. 24004
Armand J. Azamar Includes oncoming battle vision opening, spiritual stupor explained, correlation with scoffing/evil desire, the Parable of the Faithful Servant and Evil Servant, willingly forgetting, the battlefield of the mind, false Christian shelters, obedience to Christ, the sword of Spirit in action and foresight in prayer. 2 Peter 3:3-8; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6:11, 17-28. 23073
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the difference and defense of living, Kirk Cameron story hour reaction, hurricane winds allegory, forms of godliness, doctrines of demons, seduction from the truth and establishing a (false) new truth. 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12; , 12-14; Romans 8:5-7; 1 Timothy 4:1. 23056
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes preachers on controversial issues, cost of violating boundaries, gender role confusion in the church, love to blur boundaries, lordship of Christ, coming Spirit of Elijah, buildings of pride, and the Lord’s demolishing of pride buildings. Proverbs 15:25; 2 Corinthians 5:1-10; Proverbs 2:28. 23029
Matt Skonicki Moral and ceremonial laws. Includes religion vs. voice of God, honoring parents, feasting on God, provision for the stranger, addressing fornication, new believer insight, and picking up the habits of the world. Leviticus 19; Ephesians 6:1-3; Exodus 20:12; John 6:53. 22051
Armand J. Azamar The Ten Commandments. Includes New Testament relevancy, obedience in freedom, making a god out of self, Sabbath revisited, graven images in-depth, blasphemy in-depth and the issue of the heart. Exodus 20:1-17, Matthew 22:36-40, Galatians 5:20, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Matthew 5:21,22,27,28.
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January 2025