Pastor Mike Cepela The seventh day of Sabbath and the creation of Man and Woman. Includes the vastness of God, defining rest/ceased, Old Testament significance, the beauty of nature, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the issue of humanity’s choice. Genesis 2; Exodus 20:8-11. 19043
Pastor Mike Cepela The danger of treating things that are needed as optional. Includes the dynamic and need to reciprocate the love of God, praying without ceasing, true unity in Christ, the Shema challenge and the life adjustments the Lord makes. Psalm 63:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18; Matthew 22:33-39; Revelation 3:14-17. 19042
Matt Skonicki Even in amidst of our hardships, our attitude should not be one of grief. Includes an explanation of the Feast of Booths, worship to God, attentiveness to God’s Word and God’s protection in righteousness. Nehemiah 8, 2 Chronicles 6:22-23; Leviticus 23:25. 19041
Pastor Mike Cepela A return to the true meaning of two titles for believers: Christian and the Bride of Christ. Includes the Antioch connection, traits of bridehood, repentance unto life, intimacy in prayer, commune testimony, and power of fellowship. Acts 11:10-26. John 17:17-21. 19040
Armand J. Azamar The six days of Creation. Includes Jesus in the beginning, the holiness of God, the image of God in humanity, the order of Creation, an introduction to the Trinity, the light of God and man’s dominion over the Earth. Genesis 1. 19039
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the dangers of looking back, finishing what God called us to, problems with intellectualism, the needed fights, contending for the faith, keeping the faith, judgment seat of Christ, kingdom living. 2 Timothy 4:5-8. 19038
Pastor Mike Cepela The agenda of the Father is to transform us into the image of Jesus. Includes the precedence of transformation before callings, false agendas, defining image, hollow imitations, and how all things work together for good. Romans 8:28-31, 37-39. 19037
Pastor Mike Cepela Theological arguments and motivational speaking versus the power of God and Holy Spirit words. Includes influence of emotions, the breaking down of self, the blindness of unbelievers and false conversion. 1 Corinthians 2:1-14. 19036
September 2024