Armand J. Azamar Joseph presents his family before Pharaoh and deals with the famine. Includes being placed before leaders, pilgrimage of this life, recognizing the mantle of God, preparation from divine wisdom and a brief on slavery. Genesis 47; Proverbs 22:3. 20069
Pastor Mike Cepela Warfare is what goes on behind the scenes in the Christian. Includes oppression in-depth, truth vs. narrative, the shaking of the spiritual realm/strongholds, open doors of Judas and Cain, the needed order of feelings and hornet hive example. Job 1:9-11; Ephesians 6:12; Matthew 5:21-23. 20068
Matt Skonicki Jacob’s journey to Egypt. Includes consulting God on moves, Christ figure in Joseph, preparing for death, coming judgment of God, the darkness of this world vs. the light of God and stepping out in faith. Genesis 46; 15:13-16 20067
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the shaking of God, rude awakening before the Great Awakening, true power/glory on God’s people, fellowship tested, fear of persecution and the true meaning of witness. Hebrews 12:25-29; James 1:3; Acts 8:1, 3, 5-8. 20066
Armand J. Azamar Men’s Meeting. The Parable of the Talents. Includes faithfulness in small things, skipping ahead to big things, defining talents, connections to Joseph lessons, false harshness of God, creating alternate stewardships, examples of stewardship and future accounting to Jesus. Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 16:10. 20065
Pastor Mike Cepela Many American Christian wants the New Deal, not the New Covenant. Includes possession of our spiritual land, hearing vs. listening, adding to the commandments via living, the sin of Baal of Peor, judgment by Presence and the door of wisdom. Deuteronomy 4:1-9, 6:4-6, 13, 7:1-4. 20064
Pastor Mike Cepela How the Lord uses chaos to accomplish His will in your Christian walk. Includes how providence protects peace and ends striving, Joseph’s favor, a word on anguish, Goshen as the land of healing, the promise of fulfillment and how Satan works in various scenarios. Genesis 45. 20063
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes internal wars, rhetoric vs. reality, the proof of stillness, fear masquerading as wisdom, false fillings as the enemy’s tool, Moses on Mount Sinai, the face of the Lord explained and glory of God defined. Romans 8:5-6, 11, 13, 14; Exodus 33:1-5, 12, 16, 17, 19. 20062
Armand J. Azamar The final test of Joseph. Includes Judah’s repentance, judging based on past, insight/discernment of Joseph, intercession of Judah, the revealing of Joseph, the providence of God, the preservation of life. Genesis 44; 45:1-11; Hebrews 7:14; Psalm 105:17; Ecclesiastes 3:11. 20061
September 2024