Armand J. Azamar The genealogies of Cain and Seth. Includes Cain’s wandering, Lamech’s sword song, the appointment of Seth, calling on the name of the Lord, the testimony of Enoch and Methuselah. Genesis 4:16-26 and 5; Jude 14-15; Hebrews 11:5; 1 John 1:7; 2 Peter 3:9. 19051
Pastor Mike Cepela How the Church contributed to the great falling away. Includes bandwagon backsliding/falling, defining lawlessness, reduction of truth in the Church, and enduring until the end. Matthew 24:10-13; 2 Corinthians 5:14; 1 Peter 4:12-17. 19050
Pastor Mike Cepela God is detaching His people from situation, in order to see the activity of God. Includes the crossing of the Red Sea, Elisha and the army of Heaven, freedom from fear and talk about God vs. talking for God and disease vs. sin. Exodus 14:5-31; 2 Kings 6:8-17. 19049
Matt Skonicki A prayer of repentance. Includes repentance in sackcloth, confession with worship, emotional intertwining, repentance vs. religious ceremony, reminders of a faithful God, and sinful forgetfulness. Nehemiah 9. 19048
Matt Skonicki The murder of Abel by Cain. Includes the first murder in human history, separation of sin, the issue of personal choice, the true nature of an appropriate offering, defining wroth, defining fugitive/vagabond, doing well, loving God. Genesis 4:1-15. 19047
Pastor Mike Cepela How words affect an attitude over surroundings. Includes a warning to teachers, having perfect words, the distortion of positive speak, the tongue as a bit/rudder, gossip/slander, grumbling/complaining and divisions. James 3:1-14. 19046
Armand J. Azamar The Fall of Man. A brief introduction to Satan/Serpent, the blame game, the curses on mankind, the first promise of a Messiah, after the Fall, the issue of cherubim and the free will of Man. Genesis 3. 19045
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes emotional alignment/healing from the Lord, joining in the sufferings of Christ, encouragement from Christian friends, working out our salvation, sources of division and the fatality of complaining. Philippians 1:29-2:1-15. 19044
October 2024