Matt Skonicki Jesus heals the leper and the Centurion’s faith. Includes leprosy in-depth, unassuming manifestation of sin, immediate answers to prayers, Christians in the spotlight, and how often we go before the Lord. Matthew 8:1-13. 23023
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Israel’s backsliding, fallen speaker example, our agenda vs. God’s agenda, Israel’s circular journey, prayer according to God’s will, apostasy in the Church, defining lawlessness and how doing feeds emotions. Proverbs 14:14; Matthew 24:12; Proverbs 4:23. 23022
Armand J. Azamar Ending the Sermon on the Mount. Includes Jesus’ warning/traits of false prophets, the scariest verse in the Bible/‘I never knew you’, fruits of repentance, the Parable of the Two Builders, foundation of sand vision and the authority of Jesus. Matthew 7:15-28. 23021
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes false believers in the church, narrow demands of Jesus, Jesus and the younger ruler, hidden sin of David, the searching of the Lord unto freedom and love, constant parenting of Father God and true knowing by experience. Psalm 139:1-12. 23020
Armand J. Azamar Men’s Meeting. Serving ourselves in practice and thought, but never saying it with our mouths. Includes the smokescreen of Prosperity Gospel, self in the modern Church, true prosperity in the Lord and required self-sacrifice. Matthew 16:24-26; Matthew 6:31-33; Romans 12:1. 23019
Pastor Mike Cepela The conviction of the Spirit is inseparable from the guidance of the Spirit. Includes discerning God’s heart, accounting for the life lived before the judgment seat of Christ, danger of regret, living agents of conviction, patient dealings with God and grief of the Spirit. John 16:8-13; Ephesians 4:17-24. 23018
Pastor Mike Cepela Judge not, asking in prayer and the narrow way. Includes clarification on judgement, immoral brother in Corinth, log in the eye problem, pearls before swine, defining double-minded and trusting the Father in prayer. Matthew 7:1-13. 23017
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Pastor Thomas surgery testimony, effects of modern pocket idols, defining snare, defining the fear of the Lord, address gin pandemic fear, effect of bad company, projecting fear, correlation with love and passion language. Proverbs 22:25, Proverbs 22:13; Proverbs 15:33; ! John 4:18; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15.
Pastor Mike Cepela Continuing in the Sermon on the Mount. Includes the treasure of our hearts, importance of loving God, being bound by possessions, example of natural order, explain gin a man after God’s heart, seeking the kingdom first, employment testimony, and worrying about tomorrow. Matthew 6:25-34.
September 2024