Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the assimilation of the church and world, aesthetics/external actions vs heart holiness, defilement defined, beyond agreement about the Cross, yoked with unbelievers in-depth and emotional enthusiasm vs. true revival. Leviticus 20:25,26; Proverbs 1:7; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, 7:1. 21064
Armand J. Azamar The consecration of the priests by God and unto God. Includes a continuation of modern believer priesthood, consecration in suffering, priestly robes washed in blood, priesthood in the workplace, offerings explained and foreshadow of the intercession of Jesus. Exodus 29. 21063
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Christian soothsaying vs. the heart of God, obliterating religious boxes, pitching the ear example, Revelation churches overview, the Jezebel spirit, A.W. Tozer’s Bible taught vs. Spirit taught and ears worthy to hear. Revelation 2 & 3; 1 Corinthians 14:1-4. 21062
Pastor Mike Cepela Men’s Meeting. Includes numbness from external stimulus, A.W. Tozer quote, the example of Moses, entanglement from little things, giving Christian answers to broken structures and distractions from prayer. Hebrews 12:1-3. 21061
Pastor Mike Cepela How to avoiding derailed from your God-given race. Includes the believer’s seat of judgment, self-control in-depth, discipling unto maturity, wailing boxer example, true zeal vs. restlessness, roots of bitterness and the manna feed from Jesus. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Hebrews 12:15. 21060
Matt Skonicki The garments of the priests. Includes the definition of a priest, a foreshadow of the High Priest Jesus and our priesthood, birthright over works, Urim & Thummim, the importance of the heart and breastplate of judgment. Exodus 28. 21059
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus needs to speak to you about you, not about others and things to do. Includes ministry outflow defined, breaking God boxes, Charismatic pattern reproduction, Jesus disruptions and pinball testimony. John 10:25-29, Revelation 2:11. 21058
Pastor Mike Cepela The Brazen Altar in-depth. Includes worship creation over the Creator, wiffing at the altar, public nature of sacrifices, totality of burning old things, Jesus as the Door, the wilderness of the world, perpetual oil/wicks of the lampstand. Exodus 27; John 10:9. 21057
Pastor Mike Cepela Prayer is powered by a relationship with Jesus. Includes veil of mortality, strange fire/a stench in God’s nostrils in-depth, true seeking God and the unique nature of speaking with God. Exodus 30:1-9. 21056
October 2024