Men’s Meeting. Addressing hostility to godly warnings/corrections. Includes illegitimate reasons for dismissing warnings, rebuking the desire of another, Jesus within church discipline and trusting the Lord. Proverbs 13:18, 15:10, 9:8, 3:5; Matthew 18:20; Isaiah 55:9. 24074
Pastor Mike Cepela Our distrust of God is at the base of may of our problems. Includes peace unlike the world, traits of human striving, stones of testimony/crossing the River Jordan, maturity as choice and speaking circular striving into others. Proverbs 3:5; Joshua 4:1-7; Hebrews 3:12-19; Hebrews 4:1. 24053
Pastor Mike Cepela Men’s Meeting. Includes renewing our faith, Satan attacking trust in God, service with no faith vs. pure atheism, 100-year standard of Noah, regression of Cain, the effect of the pleasure of God, correlation with current scandals, discontent of Israel in the wilderness. Hebrews 11:1-7; 1 Timothy 6:6. 24046
Pastor Mike Cepela Everything you do, you think about first. Includes new mindset in Christ, self-diagnosis of trains of thoughts, mindsets effecting of others, Red Sea crossing example, divided house downfall and being a living sacrifice. Romans 8:6-8; 1 Corinthians 2:14; Proverbs 23:6; Romans 12:1-2. 24045
Matt Skonicki Includes background on Nahum/Ninevah, judgment on national levels, stolen item/desire for justice account, godly jealously defined, whirlwind/storm analogy and the goodness of God. Nahum 1:2-15, 3:19. 24035
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the divine origins and corruption of music, the active dealings of God, the warfare of the mind, defining scrutinize/winnowing of life, slow to speak correlation, the enclosure of God/declaring God’s truth an emotions/sight vs. truth. Psalms 139:1-16. 24032
Pastor Mike Cepela Men’s Meeting. Includes men’s conference controversy, the modern appeal to Christian men’s machoism/strength, Jesus as the Suffering Servant, Jim Elliott testimony, the strength to submit, the humility of Moses/commissioning of Joshua and the yogurt encouragement testimony. Isaiah 53:1-10; Joshua 1:1-8. 24029
Pastor Mike Cepela Dishonest scales in-depth. Includes examples of false balances, discontented wife testimony, the delight of God vs. grieving the Holy Spirit, revisiting the phylacteries/modern application, a core of righteousness and the potential to regain truth. Proverbs 11:1-7. 24021
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes example of Peter, Paul, Richard Wurmbrand, Watchman Nee; God of alleviation vs. true value system of God; isolation of stardom; the illusion of the in-between and the fruit of loss/foresight in suffering. Hebrews 12:1-3; Hebrews 11:35-40. 24019
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the futility of passive faith, salvation difference testimony, measurement of needed faith/mustard seed, practical application of ex nihilo, the decision of indecisiveness, the offerings of Cain and Abel, settling belief/double-mindedness word and God’s rewards in-depth. Hebrews 11:1-6.
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Pentecost power unto tabernacle, true ministering unto backsliders, violence from the religious, slave to self vs. bondservant of Christ, contending for the faith, baiting into conflict, license to sin in action and nature of the apostates. Jude 1:1-4, 6-12, 17-23. 24015
Pastor Mike Cepela Concerning the things we won’t hand over to the Lord. Includes rich, young ruler revisited, pocket idols for modern believers, the repeated challenge/invitation of Jesus, origin of ministry scandals, word concerning checking out, examples of Judas and King Saul, and comfort zone of self-trust. Exodus 20:1-5; Matthew 19:16-22; Hebrews 12:25-27. 24001
Matt Skonicki Persecutions: a sign you are doing something right. Includes Christians as sheep/serpents/doves, attacks of three kinds of wolves, the package of the Gospel, tentmaking misplaced, testimony of silence, motivations revealed and heresy defined. Matthew 10:16-27, Acts 5:42. 23040
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Herod the Great in-depth, Magi/wise men in-depth, the supernatural nature of the Bethlehem Star, prophetic nature of the Magi gifts, Jesus revealed in modern dreams, flight into Egypt, massacre of the innocents, projecting human limitations unto God and surrendering unto God. Matthew 2. 22077
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November 2024