Pastor Mike Cepela
Includes an etymology for doxa, our response to glory, Ananias/Sapphira account, true accountability, the illusion of secular job, and deception of fulfillment/the carrot on the stick. 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:1, 3:23-24; John 17:24; Revelation 21:22; 2 Corinthians 3:7-11. 24091
Pastor Mike Cepela
Pain will do what joy cannot. Includes addressing fear opening, the tempering of longing, the example of Job/Satan’s roaming, results of human striving, lack of human understanding vs. surpassing wisdom of God and A.W. Tozer quotes. Job 1:13-22; Romans 8:26-30. 24090 Armand J. Azamar
Follow-up to Israel complaining, the appointment of the 70 elders and the punishment of quail. Includes complaining in-depth, New Testament connections, how the Spirit anoints for leadership and remembering God’s chastening. Numbers 11:24-35. 24087 Pastor Mike Cepela If you don’t still yourself before the Lord, your prayers become transactional. Includes God’s omniscience/omnipresence, the transformative nature of prayer, preparation/growth correlation, telling nature of prayer night ratio, model of the Lord’s prayer and the conditional clause of forgiveness. Matthew 6:5-7; 12. 24084
Pastor Mike Cepela The pursuit of self-pleasure vs. hard sacrifice. Includes Satan giving baggage, priesthood of the believer, sacrifice of praise sweet spot, Paul’s despair of life, heavenly choir/poisoning testimony, Abraham’s example, and worship oil testimony. Mark 12:41-44; Genesis 22:10-12; Hebrews 13:14-15. 24078
Pastor Mike Cepela What does it take to sober us up? Includes kingdom siege analogy/various illusions of the enemy, Satan like a roaring lion, the example of Jonah, Lot’s rescue from Sodom and Gomorrah, and the trailer truck testimony. 2 Peter 3:1-7, Genesis 19:12-14. 24075
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes returning from backsliding account, deception origins from Satan, the cure of truth, sowing/reaping principle, Laodicean/lukewarm church, witness/martyrdom connection, the Pearl of Great Price and address to divination/false prophets. Proverbs 23:23; Galatians 6:7; Revelation 3:14-17; Matthew 24:4-5; Jeremiah 14:14. 24071
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes triggers of persecution, withstanding fire/answered prayer connection, the dangers of Christian placebos, supernatural comfort from God and wounds from other Christians. 2 Timothy 3:10-12, Daniel 7:7-26; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. 24067
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus on the Cross. Includes the self-control of Jesus, Simon of Cyrene background, Jesus becoming sin, depths of sin/misunderstanding of Hell, the torn veil, the reaction of the centurion and the significance of the Resurrection. Matthew 27:27-66; John 19:9; 1 Peter 4:15-19. 24060
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus before Pontius Pilate and the release of Barrabas. Includes Christians before public figures/leaders, not defending ourselves, Jesus as the Lamb to the slaughter and the minority controlling the majority. Matthew 27:11-26; Matthew 10:16-20; Isaiah 53:7. 24058
Pastor Mike Cepela To be near Jesus is to be transformed. Includes corporate/intimate worship dynamic, correlation with evangelism, the glory on the current believers, stations of glory word, naturalism/intellectualism in modern church and beholding the face of the Lord. John 17:3; John 14:21; Acts 4:13; Exodus 33:9-11; 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. 24057
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes word of God as two-edged sword over magic wand, revealing nature of persecution, proof of early Christians, the point of obedience/instinct of truth, charismatic theologian testimony, and Elijah vs. prophets of Baal. Psalm 51:6; John 3:21; John 8:31-32; John 4:23; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 2:14-15; 1 Kings 18:20-40. 24055
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus before the Sanhedrin and Peter denying Jesus. Includes demonic aggression against Jesus, demonic silhouette testimony, wrestling with self-interests, the martyrdom of Stephen, heeding prophetic warnings and Peter’s failure/launching. Matthew 26:55-75, John 16:1-3. 24052
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the tendency towards church brand building, word concerning Israel in the wilderness, tabernacle breakdown, Mt. Sinai debauchery, pressing through in prayer, Elijah praying for rain and busyness of mind. Matthew 18:18-20; 1 Kings 17. 24049
Pastor Mike Cepela Everything you do, you think about first. Includes new mindset in Christ, self-diagnosis of trains of thoughts, mindsets effecting of others, Red Sea crossing example, divided house downfall and being a living sacrifice. Romans 8:6-8; 1 Corinthians 2:14; Proverbs 23:6; Romans 12:1-2. 24045
Pastor Mike Cepela The plot to kill Jesus begins, anointing in Bethany, and Judas agrees to kill Jesus. Includes seasons of change, religious attacks against God’s people, Judas’ defining moment, and massive breach for Satan in slivers of open doors. Matthew 26:1-16. 24044
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the woman at the well, life conveyed in prayer, witness as manifesting Jesus, trials unto spiritual sobriety vs spiritual drunkenness, waste of idle talk, active dying word, rich land owner parable and the issue or mortality. John 4:10-26, 1 Peter 5:8; James 4:13-17. 24037
Matt Skonicki Continuation of the Olivet Discourse. Includes parallel prophecies explained, futility of end-times debate, God’s perspective of time/“time is near”, the need for evangelize, defining mourning, cheap talk of King Saul, the Parable of the Fig Tree and the ever-present Jesus. Matthew 24:29-35. 24034
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the divine origins and corruption of music, the active dealings of God, the warfare of the mind, defining scrutinize/winnowing of life, slow to speak correlation, the enclosure of God/declaring God’s truth an emotions/sight vs. truth. Psalms 139:1-16. 24032
Armand J. Azamar The Abomination of Desolation, the Great Tribulation and the Siege of Jerusalem/Destruction of the Temple. Includes witness of life with preaching, coming of false christs/prophets, running around to find Jesus and Jesus among us vision. Matthew 24:14-28. 24031
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes evangelism as a front, life as a witness, eloquence over substance in the church, true giving a defense, amputee healing testimony, preparing for intimidation, death note of Christian households and how knowledge puffs up. 24024
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes a revisiting of rendering unto Caesar, a wisdom that silences, explaining the Sadducees/modern application, non-negotiable truths, believers caught up in the mortal, reciprocating God’s love and addressing Universalism. Matthew 22:17-40. 24018
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Pentecost power unto tabernacle, true ministering unto backsliders, violence from the religious, slave to self vs. bondservant of Christ, contending for the faith, baiting into conflict, license to sin in action and nature of the apostates. Jude 1:1-4, 6-12, 17-23. 24015
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus as Prince of Peace. Includes the lesson of the withered fig tree, faith as source of life, human striving vs. divine life, promise of answered prayers, false authority word, pearls before swine, the Parable of Two Sons and the hollow agreement of the second son. Matthew 21:18-32. 24010
Pastor Mike Cepela Many problems in us the church involve immaturity. Includes ordained times of maturity, false maturity/self-consumption, stunted growth/cycling in infant stage, word concerning action payoff, uselessness of unrepentant regret, correlation with stewardship, and sacrifice over promotion. Hebrews 5:12-14; Ephesians 4:11-13. 24007
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January 2025