Pastor Mike Cepela Includes trusting in the Lord, false forms of faith, spirit of victimhood, ultimate faith of salvation, mental self-conversations, tempered faith explained, mouth/heart connection and spiritual injury/unbelief word. Romans 10:8-10; Hebrews 4:1-2, 3:12-19. 25001
Pastor Mike Cepela
Includes justification for bad actions/victim mentality, losing our ability to blush, an emphasis on aesthetics/a form of godliness, a self-analysis of where we hate God, and the reconciliation ministry of the Spirit of Elijah. 2 Timothy 3:1-5. 24095 Pastor Mike Cepela
Includes living truth a vehicle of transformation, church members who never knew Jesus, a heart of flesh/instinct to righteousness, distracted by weeds, dangers of self-pity, and a late Pastor Appreciation ending prayer. Jeremiah 31:33-34, Hebrews 15:12-14, Ephesians 4:11-13. 24093 Pastor Mike Cepela
Miriam and Aaron rebuke Moses for marrying Ethiopian woman. Includes persistence of murmuring/complaining, burden of leadership, true self-affirmation/approaching accusations, and leprosy of Miriam/source of division. Numbers 12. 24092 Pastor Mike Cepela
Includes an etymology for doxa, our response to glory, Ananias/Sapphira account, true accountability, the illusion of secular job, and deception of fulfillment/the carrot on the stick. 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:1, 3:23-24; John 17:24; Revelation 21:22; 2 Corinthians 3:7-11. 24091 Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Prosperity Gospel burnout/correction, hearing your own words, forest fire equation, ruminating thought connection, refraining from speaking, humoring negative speech, and the whispers of a gossiper. James 1:26, 3:1-2, 5:5-12; Proverbs 18:8. 24072
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes returning from backsliding account, deception origins from Satan, the cure of truth, sowing/reaping principle, Laodicean/lukewarm church, witness/martyrdom connection, the Pearl of Great Price and address to divination/false prophets. Proverbs 23:23; Galatians 6:7; Revelation 3:14-17; Matthew 24:4-5; Jeremiah 14:14. 24071
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the transformative purpose of prayer, 2020 church celebrity word, those who crept in/licentiousness defined, the error of Balaam today, the marker of Hell problem and fear of subject matters/Biblical truth. Proverbs 1:7; Jude 1:3-13. 24069
Pastor Mike Cepela You can’t always trust what you see. Includes echo chamber word, foundations/reactions of false perspectives, the angel the Lord/the grace of God, and the still, small voice revisited. 1 Kings 19. 24065
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the illusion of fence-riding, the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, ministry death threat accounts, relational roots explained, detriment of loving the world, Christian origins of popular artists, being hated for the faith and the closeness of persecution. Matthew 13:24-30; 1 John 2:15-17; Matthew 10:25. 24064
Pastor Mike Cepela Men’s Meeting. Includes truth in the innermost parts, correlation with Jesus’ temptation, Christianizing desires, sign of voluntary thought life, temptations at the end of difficult seasons, Satan stealing identity and worshipping the gift above the Gift-Giver. Psalms 51:6; Luke 4:1-13. 24063
Evangelist Michael Herbert How the Holy Spirit rewrites your thinking. Includes spiritual neuroplasticity, Milwaukee Rescue Mission update, increasing lawlessness, movements to remove God and three things to keep you in love with God. 2 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Thessalonians 2:5-12; Matthew 24:25; 1 Timothy 4:1; Leviticus 1:18-28; Romans 1:18-28. 24061
Pastor Mike Cepela Every difficulty you face, the Devil accuses you. Includes reckless backsliders, example of Job, deifying the blessings of God, bondage of situational happiness, three elements of overcoming, pigeon-holed mistakes and fallacy of sinless perfection vs. consistent righteousness. Revelation 12:7-13. 24059
Pastor Mike Cepela To be near Jesus is to be transformed. Includes corporate/intimate worship dynamic, correlation with evangelism, the glory on the current believers, stations of glory word, naturalism/intellectualism in modern church and beholding the face of the Lord. John 17:3; John 14:21; Acts 4:13; Exodus 33:9-11; 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. 24057
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes word of God as two-edged sword over magic wand, revealing nature of persecution, proof of early Christians, the point of obedience/instinct of truth, charismatic theologian testimony, and Elijah vs. prophets of Baal. Psalm 51:6; John 3:21; John 8:31-32; John 4:23; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 2:14-15; 1 Kings 18:20-40. 24055
Pastor Mike Cepela Our distrust of God is at the base of may of our problems. Includes peace unlike the world, traits of human striving, stones of testimony/crossing the River Jordan, maturity as choice and speaking circular striving into others. Proverbs 3:5; Joshua 4:1-7; Hebrews 3:12-19; Hebrews 4:1. 24053
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes leaving our first love defined, traveling evangelist paradigm, false measure of emotions, selfish ambition vs. serving God, living sacrifice status, making disciples and Saul’s moment to his own greatest. Romans 12:1; Luke 17:7-10. 24051
Pastor Mike Cepela Everything you do, you think about first. Includes new mindset in Christ, self-diagnosis of trains of thoughts, mindsets effecting of others, Red Sea crossing example, divided house downfall and being a living sacrifice. Romans 8:6-8; 1 Corinthians 2:14; Proverbs 23:6; Romans 12:1-2. 24045
Pastor Mike Cepela How the Lord deals with His children. Includes the concept of testing/purpose of fiery ordeals, futility of self-imposed trials, David/Bathsheba correlation, being rejected for the faith, desire for Acts’ power vs. reality of Acts, and spirit of age/loving the world. 1 Peter 4:12-17; Psalms 139:23-24. 24043
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes spiritual malpractice, revisiting Wise Virgin parable, clean room example, corruption/scandal connection, maintaining faith mindset, abandoned pile vision, prayer diligence, belittling stewardship, and the illusion of time. Also Bible Journey's The Parable of the Talents. Matthew 25:22-30; Matthew 24:44-50. 24041
Matt Skonicki Continuation of the Olivet Discourse. Includes parallel prophecies explained, futility of end-times debate, God’s perspective of time/“time is near”, the need for evangelize, defining mourning, cheap talk of King Saul, the Parable of the Fig Tree and the ever-present Jesus. Matthew 24:29-35. 24034
Armand J. Azamar Includes deception defined/displacement connect, Satan: the father of lies, evangelism as intimacy substitute, Spirit of Truth in us, Jesus as Truth Incarnate and beholding the face of the Lord. James 1:21-25; Matthew 23:13-15; Matthew 7:22-23, John 16:13; John 14:6.2 Corinthians 3:18. 24033
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the divine origins and corruption of music, the active dealings of God, the warfare of the mind, defining scrutinize/winnowing of life, slow to speak correlation, the enclosure of God/declaring God’s truth an emotions/sight vs. truth. Psalms 139:1-16. 24032
Pastor Mike Cepela Men’s Meeting. Includes men’s conference controversy, the modern appeal to Christian men’s machoism/strength, Jesus as the Suffering Servant, Jim Elliott testimony, the strength to submit, the humility of Moses/commissioning of Joshua and the yogurt encouragement testimony. Isaiah 53:1-10; Joshua 1:1-8. 24029
Pastor Mike Cepela The need for truth in the innermost being and a call to yield compartments. Includes the Fall connection, the example of childhood, outcry recording testimony, touching not the unclean thing, and the profitability/sensuality in modern worship. Psalms 51:6-9; Matthew 12:25; Hebrews 4:13; 2 Corinthians 6:15-18. 24026
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January 2025