Pastor Mike Cepela The Resurrection of Jesus. Includes the testimony of the risen Lord, importance of anointing timing, different kinds of fear, angels as ministering spirits, dying for the true Savior, witnessing in Istanbul/Islamic Turkey testimony and truly making disciples. Matthew 28, 1 Corinthians 15:1-21. 24062
Armand J. Azamar Men’s Meeting. The need for sinners to come to Jesus, despite superficial goodness. Includes a breakdown of “being on the fence”, temporal nature of life, the last witness before abrupt death and the Christian as a watchman. Romans 3:19-23; James 4:13-14. 24036
Matt Skonicki Includes background on Nahum/Ninevah, judgment on national levels, stolen item/desire for justice account, godly jealously defined, whirlwind/storm analogy and the goodness of God. Nahum 1:2-15, 3:19. 24035
Matt Skonicki Continuation of the Olivet Discourse. Includes parallel prophecies explained, futility of end-times debate, God’s perspective of time/“time is near”, the need for evangelize, defining mourning, cheap talk of King Saul, the Parable of the Fig Tree and the ever-present Jesus. Matthew 24:29-35. 24034
Armand J. Azamar The Abomination of Desolation, the Great Tribulation and the Siege of Jerusalem/Destruction of the Temple. Includes witness of life with preaching, coming of false christs/prophets, running around to find Jesus and Jesus among us vision. Matthew 24:14-28. 24031
The Olivet Discourse/Eschatological Disclosure. Includes the expectation of a conquering Messiah, Diaspora of the Jews, idle end-times talk vs. emphasis of the Gospel, a display of love and foreshadow of the wise virgins. Matthew 24:1-14. 24027
Evangelist Michael Herbert No good lie is absent of the truth. Includes prison mission update, Jesus dealing with the Pharisees, Samaritan woman example, Judges correlation, addressing anxiety, freedom in truth and hard rock testimony. John 8:13-17; John 18:33-38; Psalm 9:16-20; John 17:17. 24022
Matt Skonicki Includes David calling his descendant Lord, who Jesus is to us, how cults form/dead JW’s Bible, woe to the Pharisees and Sadducees, the burden of prayer/worship, phylacteries defined/modern version and external show vs. internal life. Matthew 22:41-46; Matthew 23:1-7; Deuteronomy 11:18. 24020
Matt Skonicki Persecutions: a sign you are doing something right. Includes Christians as sheep/serpents/doves, attacks of three kinds of wolves, the package of the Gospel, tentmaking misplaced, testimony of silence, motivations revealed and heresy defined. Matthew 10:16-27, Acts 5:42. 23040
Matt Skonicki Jesus heals the leper and the Centurion’s faith. Includes leprosy in-depth, unassuming manifestation of sin, immediate answers to prayers, Christians in the spotlight, and how often we go before the Lord. Matthew 8:1-13. 23023
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes ministry as natural outflow, defining image, resisting self-promotion, clarifying “If God is for us”, daily denial of self, talking self-denial vs. living self-denial and entanglement in civilian life. Romans 8:29-31; Matthew 16:24; 2 Timothy 2:4. 22089
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Herod the Great in-depth, Magi/wise men in-depth, the supernatural nature of the Bethlehem Star, prophetic nature of the Magi gifts, Jesus revealed in modern dreams, flight into Egypt, massacre of the innocents, projecting human limitations unto God and surrendering unto God. Matthew 2. 22077
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January 2025