Matt Skonicki
Spies sent to Canaan. Includes walking in our own counsel, Joshua as a Christ-type, consistency of complaining, defining milk and honey, Caleb’s courage vs. fear/bad report, taking possession of the land and vain toughness. 1 Corinthians 10:1-11, Deuteronomy, 1:22, Psalms 81:11-12, Numbers 13. 24094
Pastor Mike Cepela If you don’t still yourself before the Lord, your prayers become transactional. Includes God’s omniscience/omnipresence, the transformative nature of prayer, preparation/growth correlation, telling nature of prayer night ratio, model of the Lord’s prayer and the conditional clause of forgiveness. Matthew 6:5-7; 12. 24084
Armand J. Azamar The second Passover. Includes the issue of inquiring of the Lord, provisions for the defiled, those far away and the stranger, cloud by day/fire by night in-depth, and ending word on boldness/Spirit-leading connection. Numbers 9, Romans 8:14, Exodus 12:14. 24081
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the illusion of fence-riding, the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, ministry death threat accounts, relational roots explained, detriment of loving the world, Christian origins of popular artists, being hated for the faith and the closeness of persecution. Matthew 13:24-30; 1 John 2:15-17; Matthew 10:25. 24064
Armand J. Azamar Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and His arrest. Includes sweating blood/hematidrosis, sleepiness in prayer, tactics against temptation, Jesus calling Judas friend, Peter’s aggression, and word concerning unbelief/tongue. Matthew 26:36-56, Proverbs 18:21. 24050
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus celebrates Passover and institutes the Lord’s Supper. Includes unworthy communion connection, Jesus in the Afikomen/unleavened bread, symbolism of the wine cups, prediction of Peter’s denial and the power of deception. Matthew 26:17-35; 1 Corinthians 10:11-13. 24048
Matt Skonicki Includes background on Nahum/Ninevah, judgment on national levels, stolen item/desire for justice account, godly jealously defined, whirlwind/storm analogy and the goodness of God. Nahum 1:2-15, 3:19. 24035
Pastor Mike Cepela Men’s Meeting. Includes men’s conference controversy, the modern appeal to Christian men’s machoism/strength, Jesus as the Suffering Servant, Jim Elliott testimony, the strength to submit, the humility of Moses/commissioning of Joshua and the yogurt encouragement testimony. Isaiah 53:1-10; Joshua 1:1-8. 24029
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes evangelism as a front, life as a witness, eloquence over substance in the church, true giving a defense, amputee healing testimony, preparing for intimidation, death note of Christian households and how knowledge puffs up. 24024
Matt Skonicki Includes David calling his descendant Lord, who Jesus is to us, how cults form/dead JW’s Bible, woe to the Pharisees and Sadducees, the burden of prayer/worship, phylacteries defined/modern version and external show vs. internal life. Matthew 22:41-46; Matthew 23:1-7; Deuteronomy 11:18. 24020
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes the background on Apostle Paul, a history of Corinth, smooth talkers/celebrity Christians, false markers from the world, cereal palsy graduation testimony, Lucifer’s fall mind’s eye vision, dependency correlation and clinging to the old identity. 2 Corinthians 10:1-4. 23083
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes touching upon Israeli-Palestian conflict, weariness in the world, a shift in believer’s mind/seeing darkness as light, being wise in our own eyes, prayer for a backbone, God’s needed work/our responsibility, abomination of unrepentant’s prayer, and Jesus reasoning with His people. Isaiah 5:20-21; Isaiah 5:1-4; Isaiah 1:2-4, 12-20. 23075
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January 2025