Matt Skonicki
Spies sent to Canaan. Includes walking in our own counsel, Joshua as a Christ-type, consistency of complaining, defining milk and honey, Caleb’s courage vs. fear/bad report, taking possession of the land and vain toughness. 1 Corinthians 10:1-11, Deuteronomy, 1:22, Psalms 81:11-12, Numbers 13. 24094
Pastor Mike Cepela
Miriam and Aaron rebuke Moses for marrying Ethiopian woman. Includes persistence of murmuring/complaining, burden of leadership, true self-affirmation/approaching accusations, and leprosy of Miriam/source of division. Numbers 12. 24092 Armand J. Azamar
Follow-up to Israel complaining, the appointment of the 70 elders and the punishment of quail. Includes complaining in-depth, New Testament connections, how the Spirit anoints for leadership and remembering God’s chastening. Numbers 11:24-35. 24087 Matt Skonicki
Israel complains. Includes warning shots from God, God’s examining of the heart, complaining to leaders, the mixed multitude, Jesus as the Living Bread, despising God, foreshadow of quail and the blessing of lack. Numbers 11:1-23. 24085 Pastor Mike Cepela The function of the two, silver trumpets. Includes Feast of Trumpets/Second Coming conception, the need for a unified response, an introduction to grumbling/complaining, how God uses flawed men, the fight in our spirit and Spirit-leading connection. Numbers 10. 24083
Armand J. Azamar The second Passover. Includes the issue of inquiring of the Lord, provisions for the defiled, those far away and the stranger, cloud by day/fire by night in-depth, and ending word on boldness/Spirit-leading connection. Numbers 9, Romans 8:14, Exodus 12:14. 24081
Pastor Mike Cepela The offerings of the leaders of Israel, the arrangements of the lamps, and the cleansing of the Levites. Includes drive-by meetings with God, mystery of the cleaning of the priestly robe, the need for mercy, false categorization of life and a penitent heart vs. petty sins. Numbers 7-8. 24077
The Aaronic blessing. Includes the depth of speaking, haphazard use of God’s name, Jesus as our Priest, the name of the Lord, the three-step process of blessing, beholding the face of God and the Devil’s approach of loneliness. Numbers 6:22-27. 24073
Pastor Mike Cepela The vows of the Nazarite. Includes the examples of Samson and Paul, seasons of consecration, the hair of Samson clarified, delicacies of life/seduction, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, superseding love of God and vanity of appearance. Numbers 6; Judges 13:2-7; Acts 18:18. 24070
Armand J. Azamar The balloting of duties among the three clans of the Levite tribe. Includes modern application to the duties of Christians, dangerous nature of God’s holiness, confession of sin, importance of words, and bitter waters/adultery test vs. false abortion correlation. Numbers 4-5.
Matt Skonicki An introduction and summary of Numbers. Includes entering into spiritual battle/Great Commission connection, the Jethro principle, tribe placement around the tabernacle, the priests of the Levites and God’s ownership of His people. Numbers 1-3. 24066
Pastor Mike Cepela The Resurrection of Jesus. Includes the testimony of the risen Lord, importance of anointing timing, different kinds of fear, angels as ministering spirits, dying for the true Savior, witnessing in Istanbul/Islamic Turkey testimony and truly making disciples. Matthew 28, 1 Corinthians 15:1-21. 24062
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus on the Cross. Includes the self-control of Jesus, Simon of Cyrene background, Jesus becoming sin, depths of sin/misunderstanding of Hell, the torn veil, the reaction of the centurion and the significance of the Resurrection. Matthew 27:27-66; John 19:9; 1 Peter 4:15-19. 24060
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus before Pontius Pilate and the release of Barrabas. Includes Christians before public figures/leaders, not defending ourselves, Jesus as the Lamb to the slaughter and the minority controlling the majority. Matthew 27:11-26; Matthew 10:16-20; Isaiah 53:7. 24058
Matt Skonicki Pontius Pilate breakdown and Judas hanging himself. Includes the sin of melancholy, the example and innocence of kids, Judas’ unrepentant regret, the Field of Blood explained and Zechariah prophecy. Matthew 27:1-10; Proverbs 5:21-22; Judges 16:28-30; Acts 1:24-25; Zechariah 11:12-13. 24056
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus before the Sanhedrin and Peter denying Jesus. Includes demonic aggression against Jesus, demonic silhouette testimony, wrestling with self-interests, the martyrdom of Stephen, heeding prophetic warnings and Peter’s failure/launching. Matthew 26:55-75, John 16:1-3. 24052
Armand J. Azamar Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and His arrest. Includes sweating blood/hematidrosis, sleepiness in prayer, tactics against temptation, Jesus calling Judas friend, Peter’s aggression, and word concerning unbelief/tongue. Matthew 26:36-56, Proverbs 18:21. 24050
Pastor Mike Cepela Jesus celebrates Passover and institutes the Lord’s Supper. Includes unworthy communion connection, Jesus in the Afikomen/unleavened bread, symbolism of the wine cups, prediction of Peter’s denial and the power of deception. Matthew 26:17-35; 1 Corinthians 10:11-13. 24048
Pastor Mike Cepela The plot to kill Jesus begins, anointing in Bethany, and Judas agrees to kill Jesus. Includes seasons of change, religious attacks against God’s people, Judas’ defining moment, and massive breach for Satan in slivers of open doors. Matthew 26:1-16. 24044
Armand J. Azamar Conclusion to the Olivet Discourse. Includes preparing for judgement/standing before the Lord, a coming day of separation, our treatment of other believers, defining the least of these, the failure of seeing Jesus in His people and the eternal nature of Hell. Matthew 25:31-46, John 13:35. 24042
Matt Skonicki The Parable of the Wise Virgins and Foolish Virgins. Includes the application of Jewish marriage/betrothal/wedding, many rooms application, the “for a while” mindset, interpreting parables, meaning of trimming the wick and the preciousness of the period of grace. Matthew 25:1-13; Matthew 26:27-29; John 14:2-3. 24040
Armand J. Azamar Concerning “No one knows the day or the hour”. Includes a response to Muslims, the distraction of everyday life, expectancy unto spiritual sobriety, the Parable of the Faithful Servant and the Evil Servant, the Christian as a servant and the blindness of the evil servant. Matthew 24:36-51. 24038
Matt Skonicki Continuation of the Olivet Discourse. Includes parallel prophecies explained, futility of end-times debate, God’s perspective of time/“time is near”, the need for evangelize, defining mourning, cheap talk of King Saul, the Parable of the Fig Tree and the ever-present Jesus. Matthew 24:29-35. 24034
Armand J. Azamar The Abomination of Desolation, the Great Tribulation and the Siege of Jerusalem/Destruction of the Temple. Includes witness of life with preaching, coming of false christs/prophets, running around to find Jesus and Jesus among us vision. Matthew 24:14-28. 24031
The Olivet Discourse/Eschatological Disclosure. Includes the expectation of a conquering Messiah, Diaspora of the Jews, idle end-times talk vs. emphasis of the Gospel, a display of love and foreshadow of the wise virgins. Matthew 24:1-14. 24027
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January 2025