Pastor Mike Cepela The pursuit of self-pleasure vs. hard sacrifice. Includes Satan giving baggage, priesthood of the believer, sacrifice of praise sweet spot, Paul’s despair of life, heavenly choir/poisoning testimony, Abraham’s example, and worship oil testimony. Mark 12:41-44; Genesis 22:10-12; Hebrews 13:14-15. 24078
Pastor Mike Cepela Dishonest scales in-depth. Includes examples of false balances, discontented wife testimony, the delight of God vs. grieving the Holy Spirit, revisiting the phylacteries/modern application, a core of righteousness and the potential to regain truth. Proverbs 11:1-7. 24021
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes Pentecost power unto tabernacle, true ministering unto backsliders, violence from the religious, slave to self vs. bondservant of Christ, contending for the faith, baiting into conflict, license to sin in action and nature of the apostates. Jude 1:1-4, 6-12, 17-23. 24015
Armand J. Azamar Jesus speaking with the young, rich ruler and His follow-up discussion with the disciples. Includes the stronghold of riches/materialism, missing out on the coming kingdom, and misconceptions regarding Jesus the Good Teacher, the Commandments, the love of money. Matthew 19:16-30. 24000
Armand J. Azamar Men’s Meeting. Includes defining roots of bitterness as spiritual poison, Old Testament connection, the bindweed image, roots of resentments, roots of worldliness and recognizing and pulling the root by the Spirit. Hebrews 12:14-17; Deuteronomy 29:18-19. 23059
Armand J. Azamar Men’s Meeting. Includes asking in prayer amiss, how we see ourselves vs. how the Lord sees us, false excuse of perfection, complaining due to unanswered prayers, the sign of contention and the solution of humility. James 4:1-4; 1 John 5:14; Matthew 6:31-32. 22055
Armand J. Azamar Men’s Meeting. Includes defining deception, train ride example, knowing the truth vs. applying the truth, self-deception, deception from Christians speaking truth, the protection of truth and God’s ability to restore what was stolen. James 1:22-25. 22014
Pastor Mike Cepela & Bruce York The Lord by His Spirit will give divine life to your mortal body. Includes various types of fatigue, defining Zoë life, our limited human strength, seeing with the eyes of God and Bruce’s word on a righteous generation and true Kingdom riches. Isaiah 40:25-31. 20013
Evangelist Michael Herbert Everything Jesus did was a model of love and compassion. Includes the free will of the soul, the acceptance of the Samaritan woman, prison ministry testimony, dining with tax collectors and seeking the lost sheep. Luke 15:1-7; Genesis 3:9-15. 19078
Pastor Mike Cepela The seventh day of Sabbath and the creation of Man and Woman. Includes the vastness of God, defining rest/ceased, Old Testament significance, the beauty of nature, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the issue of humanity’s choice. Genesis 2; Exodus 20:8-11. 19043
Pastor Mike Cepela The need to not just be moral, but to be transformed into the image of Christ; includes the approval of man vs. validation of man, fallacy of popularity, accusations against authority, the dwelling glory of God, defining liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:1-18. 19019
Pastor Mike Cepela Your life will be a manifestation of what you treasure and value; includes the selling of Esau’s birthright, false peace over conflict, and how this relates to temptation. Matthew 6:19-21. 19003
Evangelist Michael Herbert Principles from promise of God to Abraham; includes the issue of faith, being heirs of Christ and the meaning of the stars. Genesis 15:1-6; Romans 8:29. 18030
Evangelist Michael Herbert How high and lofty thoughts are not of God, but from self or the Devil; includes prison ministry update. 2 Corinthians 10:2-6. 18015
Evangelist Michael Herbert The natural man receives not the spiritual things, but the mind of Christ brings understanding. 1 Corinthians 2:7-16; Philippians 2:5; Matthew 21:21. 16024
Pastor George Thomas The failure is not the end, but the opportunity for success and victory. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; 2 Timothy 2:20; Proverbs 24:16; Joel 2:6. 16023
Pastor Mike Cepela Includes South East Asia Mission Trip 2015 and Tribute to Michael James Riddering. Matthew 24:10. 16002
Bruce York A prophetic word on freedom from the flesh and turning to the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:5-17. 834
Evangelist Michael Herbert God needs fertile ground in our hearts. Genesis 1:9-12. 820
For the complete archive of NLA sermons before 2024, please visit our YouTube Channel
January 2025